Frequently Asked Questions

  • sources its information from publicly available financial disclosures such as 10-K, 10-Q reports, earnings call transcripts, and other relevant documents filed by companies.
  • uses advanced Large Language Models to generate answers. While we strive for accuracy, it's important to note that the information provided should be used as a starting point for further research and not as a substitute for professional financial advice. We also show sources and allow you to easily go directly to the document and the relevant section from which the responses are generated.
  • Currently, covers the top companies in the world. We are continuously expanding our database to include more companies and will update our users as more data becomes available. Do write to us at and tell us about your requirements.
  • Yes, we take data privacy and security seriously. We do not store any personal information from our users, and all interactions with our platform are stored securely and not shared with anyone. We only use publicly available financial data to generate answers and no proprietary datasets are used in generating any of the answers on
  • For Enterprise tier users, we offer integration options and API access to seamlessly incorporate into your existing tools and workflows. Please contact our enterprise team for more information at